Authentic Experiences

It is a miracle for me to be pain FREE! Both physical and emotional. I no longer experience debilitating panic which affected all areas of my life. I fell backwards on cement landing on my tailbone. I experienced pain and extreme panic for months when walking just a few steps. I needed the support of walking sticks. After only 4 hours in your EELounge I got into bed at the hotel and felt NO pain. I said to my husband I hope I am not imagining this but I am truly NOT in any pain. The wonder of this Miracle has remained with me! Thank you for bringing this amazing technology to Ontario to help restore the health and well being of so many souls.

-Catherine Ross

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I am a bioresonance practitioner for 7+ years. I have Thymolysis which is the condition known to destroy the thymus cells. There is a score (co-efficient) and for years that score was very low at 0,100. 0,500 being the "passing" grade. the machine is Sensitiv Imago 520. I have worked on myself with the device and taken many nutraceuticals with no avail. Since exposure to EE System with an accumulation of about 15+ hours, each sessions being about 2 hours, the breakthrough came last month. I felt a certain sensation at the throat area. I did not realise my Thymus was healed at that moment until about a week later when I took another scan. The score is now up to almost 1,000!

-Dave Tan

In January 2024 I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. I finished chemo in June and now am doing immunotherapy. I’ve struggled to get my blood work back to normal, specifically my red blood cells. After just 2 visits my blood work came back the best it’s been since last year! Including my RBC. I’m looking forward to seeing my results continue to go in a positive direction

-Megan N

 I have visited a number of EE system centers. I found this room to be exceptional! I work with energy medicine and recognize the real impact of exposure to scalar waves. After two hours a rash on my arm disappeared and I left feeling calm yet energized. I highly recommend that you experience the impactful "EE" healing effects, by making a visit to THIS center!

-Karen Seegert