An experience that supports your body's natural healing ability

Energy Enhance Systems


What Should I Bring To My Session? 

Please bring a reusable water bottle. You are also welcome to your own blanket, a sleep eye mask if you'd like complete darkness, ear plugs and a pillow if that optimizes your comfort. Please ensure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after your EE session. It will help your body adjust to the energy. Come with an open heart and mind, ready to unplug, relax, and support your body’s overall wellness.

How Frequently Should I Visit? 

Scalar energy sessions can be scheduled according to your personal needs and desires. For clients who are experiencing chronic conditions, we recommend a goal of 20 hours. The closer and more frequent your sessions are, the more optimal your results will be. Local clients can schedule 4-hour sessions twice weekly. For a longer immersion, overnight sessions (8 hours) are also available.
The effects of the scalar energy are cumulative and are greatly influenced by your lifestyle. You’ll get the best result when you completely relax during your session to give your body the best opportunity to respond to the energy. We highly recommend supporting your EESessions with healthy nutrition and lifestyle changes, consuming whole foods, meditating, relieving stress, sufficient hydration and vitamin intake.


What is an Energy Enhancement System?

The Energy Enhancement System (EE System) is technology that creates an enhanced energy field. The EE System generates multiple bio-active enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves.” It generates morphogenic energy fields that can promote overall wellness.

What Does A Session Look Like?

Sessions are booked by the hour in a quiet room with cozy recliners where you can rest and relax. We encourage you to take time to go inwards to connect mind, body and soul.

Dim lights, natural essential oils and ambient music create an environment to allow you to fully surrender and let go.

How Many Units Are in The EESystem?

We have a powerful 16 unit Energy Enhancement System. There are 8 chairs in the room as well as washroom facilities, water, blankets and tranquil music. Dr. Sandra believes that the more people in the room, the better. The collective energy helps to further raise the frequency in the room, therefore leading to an enhanced experience. Private group bookings are available.

How Will I Feel?

You may feel tingling, piercing, coldness, warmth, heaviness– this is normal. Some people feel the energies themselves. It's also normal to feel nothing at all. There is no wrong way to do this, as long as you're relaxing while you are in the room.



Hydration is very important. Start hydrating 24 hours in advance. Your body has a much better capacity to heal when well-hydrated. We recommend that you bring a full reusable bottle of water. More water will be available in the lounge..



Eat A Healthy Meal.

We recommend that you eat a small, nutritious meal before your session. You want to be satisfied but not overly full. This helps to increase the effects of the EESystem by not expending energy on digestion.


Open Mind. 

Arrive with an open mind and open heart. Allow yourself to receive healing and be open to receiving energy. The more comfortable and open you are, the more benefits you will experience. 

Here are a few recommendations for you to obtain the most benefit from your time in our EESystem Energy Lounge

What Are The Benefits of EESystems?

  • Relief from Depression
  • More Emotionally Clear & Free
  • Better Response to Stressors
  • Better Mental Health
  • Mental Flexibility/Charity
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Deep Meditation
  • Increased Clarity
  • Increased Concentration
  • Right and Left Brain Hemisphere Balancing



  • Natural Healing & Rejuvenation
  • Sense of Increased Energy
  • Rapid Post Surgical Healing
  • Anti-Aging
  • Improved Vision
  • Detoxification
  • Relief from Severe Pain
  • Improved Blood Profiles
  • Improved Skin
  • Elimination of Jet Lag
  • Regenerative Sleep
  • Decrease in Blood Sugar Levels
  • Improved Blood Profiles

Soul + Spirit.

  • Feelings of Calmness, Harmony, Zen, Oneness, Peace, Relaxation
  • Improved Inner Direction
  • Less Attachment to Past Traumas
  • Being more Present
  • Improved Existentially
  • Self-Confidence & Self-Love

Lifestyle Enhancement.

  • Peak Performance
  • Living in the Now
  • Improved Spontaneity
  • Improved Time Competency
  • Living more Authentically
  • Improved Self-Acceptance
  • Improved Sense of Self-Awareness
  • Increased Productivity - Super Learning States
  • Minimization of the Effects of Cell Phones,EMFs, ELFs, Radiation, and Microwaves

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We Are Awakening Our Ancient Wisdom. 

EESystems help us discover the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that has been trapped within our own unique DNA for generations. We are awakening, discovering and emerging as a new wave of Human Beings. Your being in this Scalar Wave Room facilitates this upgrading and clearing.

Photons and DNA are a large part of this upgrade experience. Photons are fundamental subatomic particles that carry the electromagnetic force. In simpler terms, photons are tiny light particles. They are the "quantum", or fundamental unit of electromagnetic radiation. They behave as particles, and sometimes as waves. Photons are massless, allowing them to travel at the speed of light, and they can travel an infinite distance.

DNA is the storehouse for genetic material. Photons and DNA have significant influences on each other. The main problems people are having today are that that we're all dealing with electromagnetic radiation and poisonings of all types from misinformation, cultural, and mental biases, environmental poisoning, illnesses of both body and mind, and disconnection from Spirit.
Electromagnetic radiation breaks the bonds of your DNA which results in emotional, mental, spiritual and physical ailments. This is where Scalar Wave Technology can be incredibly beneficial in your healing process.

The Scalar Waves and photonic fusion you'll be experiencing in the room interact directly to upgrade and heal your photons during your session. Studies at Baylor University show that scalar waves repair the breaks in the DNA. They’re designed to put your DNA back into its original divine matrix.

These Scalar Wave computers create a zero-point technology that nullifies the detrimental and destructive radiation fields that have been affecting our bodies and our minds.

Other Recommendations. 

  • Try to arrive 15 minutes before your session
  • Dress in comfortable, layered clothing for your sessions. Your body tends to cool-down as you relax, so you may get a bit chilly
  • You are welcome to bring your own blanket and pillow for extra comfort. We provide extra blankets if needed.
  • Outdoor shoes aren’t allowed in the energy room. Please bring a pair of socks or comfortable slippers.
  • We respectfully ask that you do not use your cell phone while in the EE System lounge, so that you and the other guests can fully relax. 
  • If you must bring your phone in the room with you, please either turn it off completely or place it in the silent and airplane mode. 
  • If you use your phone for meditation or music, wear earphones and please be sure any sound does not interfere with the other member’s peace and quiet.
  • Please don’t use heavy perfumes or oils, as some guests are sensitive to strong scents.
  • Lights will be dim, but you can bring a sleep mask, if you’d like complete darkness.
  • Just rest, relax or meditate. While in the EE System, taking a power nap or meditating allows the body to enter a deeper state of relaxation, during which time, the body is better able to restore and repair more efficiently.
  • Meditation is a great way to tap into your power.
  • Expressing gratitude is a great way to enter into meditation.
  • Create an Intention. As Science and Spirituality begin to merge, we understand more clearly the power of Intention. 
  • Have a clear intention, as you enter the EE System. 
  • Breathe deeply and imagine what the manifestation of that intention would feel like. You’ll find it a powerful tool for both healing and manifesting.
  • Very light relaxing music will be playing during the session. 
  • If you prefer silence or your own music, please bring noise canceling headphones or a device with earbuds, so you can listen to your own media.

A Healthy Mind, Needs a Healthy Body, Right? 

If you have any further questions about our lounge or EESystems, please contact us below. 

Contact Us

"My husband recently had 2 strokes and heart surgery with facial drooping. After our first 2 hour session, he is more clear and has more energy. I see improvement with his droopy eye and when we came home he slept the deepest in months. We’ll be getting more sessions because no therapy we’ve had has made him feel this much control of his body. Finally something that helps! Thank you so much!"

—Mary, client of EESystems

"I found a cyst in my pelvic area, I immediately got a EES session, it went away over night 😮, for me that was a miracle, went for a second session for my twisted knee and follow up for the cyst - cyst is gone and knee is back to normal - I am beyond thankful and will continue sessions moving forward!

—Jessica Marquez

"I have visited a number of EE system centers. I found this room to be exceptional! I work with energy medicine and recognize the real impact of exposure to scalar waves. After two hours a rash on my arm disappeared and I left feeling calm yet energized. I highly recommend that you experience the impactful "EE" healing effects, by making a visit to THIS center!"

—Karen Seegert